Created in collaboration with Graham Dews. Bill's work is mostly at the left-hand end.
A community mural in Barton Hill, Bristol. It includes historical and futuristic visions of the area. The close-up image shows the Great Western Cotton Mill (1838-1968) by the Feeder Canal, and the cotton-workers, mostly women and children, who campaigned for better employment conditions in the 1890s.
3m x 20m
Acrylic and spray-can paint. Finished with graffiti-proof varnish.
A community mural in Barton Hill, Bristol. It includes historical and futuristic visions of the area. The close-up image shows the Great Western Cotton Mill (1838-1968) by the Feeder Canal, and the cotton-workers, mostly women and children, who campaigned for better employment conditions in the 1890s.
3m x 20m
Acrylic and spray-can paint. Finished with graffiti-proof varnish.