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Woodland vegetation Ashton Court

charcoal, 8 mins, 60x45cm

oil paint & pastel 60x40 cm

oil paint & turps wiped off glossy paper 55 x 35 cm

acrylic & crayon, A4

acrylic & pastel on grey card 60x 40 cm

felt-tip pen on acrylic paint on grey card

mixed media on grey card

mixed media on grey card

water-soluble coloured pencils

water-soluble felt-tip pen

pastel 40 x 40 cm

drawing using a big brush, 60 x 40 cm

brush drawing

brush and pen drawing

fore-shortening exercise

ink & watercolour, 35 x 25 cm

Street Kiosk in Bern, ink and watercolour, 35 x 25 cm